
SEO for Personal Injury Lawyers

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    According to the U.S. Department of Justice, there are 16,000+ personal injury cases that make it to court annually, and as you can imagine, that means the total number of personal injury claims is probably 1,000x greater than that.

    So why isn’t your phone ringing off the hook? Why aren’t you getting calls from the many injury victims in your region every week? The clients are there – it just comes down to visibility online.

    75% of people searching for something on Google click on the first three results, and less than 5% of people searching online venture to the second page. Injury victims are clearly not digging far to find a lawyer, so if your personal injury law firm SEO and digital marketing strategy isn’t competitive, you won’t get calls.

    The statistics mentioned above are self-explanatory, but how does search engine optimization differ from other advertising channels?

    It’s an Investment With Long Term Rewards

    There’s no recurring value from a personal injury victim (at least we hope not!). Clients won’t hire your firm year after year.

    So that means you’ll need a consistent flow of new leads every month, and if you are paying for leads on a 1:1 basis, your firm’s revenue will always take a hit. This is where SEO visibility comes into play – you can make the investment now and reap the benefits of targeted traffic for years to come without paying for it. Sure, you will need an SEO practitioner to help to maintain your presence on Google, but that cost is a fraction of what commercials, billboards, and even PPC advertising can cost.

    SEO Levels the Playing Field

    Morgan & Morgan, a national firm, earns $600M+ per year in revenue. But guess what – if you Google “Kansas City Personal Injury Lawyer,” they are nowhere to be found. Huge revenues don’t earn SEO visibility.

    Even if you’re a small or solo firm, we can help you compete with (and beat) larger firms in your area on Google. We’ve done it before, and we’ll do it again. You may not be able to match their TV advertising budget, but you have no excuse not to invest in local SEO.

    You Can Easily Measure Results From SEO

    Let’s say you do pay $6,000 per month on a billboard or bus advertisement, or you drop $100,000 on a TV spot. Did it work? How would you know?

    We can certainly try and measure the ROI in such cases via tracking phone numbers, micro-sites, and other means, but it’s hard to truly know if you’re getting calls from those ads or from other channels. Let’s say that you do start getting calls after running a television or radio ad – can you measure the actual cost per lead (CPL)? Would your money be better spent elsewhere?

    When we undertake an SEO campaign, the first thing we do is implement industry-leading web tracking and keyword tracking for our clients. We start measuring results right away, and we always benchmark our work. We then pass this data on to you via monthly reporting. No more ambiguity – we provide granular, transparent reporting.

    How Do Personal Injury Attorney SEO Rankings = More Cases?

    Rank for “Near Me” Searches

    Most of your leads are searching for phrases like “bus accident lawyer near me” these days, so if you don’t have a strong local SEO strategy, you are losing business. Google ranks a firm’s listing in the “map pack” based on proximity, Google My Business listing quality, the number of citations you have on the web, and other factors, and if you can get in the top 10 results on Google Maps, you’ll start getting calls.

    Victims Have Lots of Questions, and You Can Answer Them

    Did you know that according to Google, the phrase “statute of limitations for car accidents” gets 590 searches per month? And since the law varies from state to state, those searches often include “…in Utah,” “…in NJ,” etc.

    Additional reading: How To Generate More Car Accident Leads

    The same idea applies to medical malpractice, injuries on public transportation, slip & falls, and everything else – the law is complicated, and victims want to know what to do after an injury, whether or not they can sue, and how you can help them. We can use data to find questions that personal injury victims are asking, and we can make you the go-to destination for that information. That strategy improves your keyword rankings overall, and you’ll turn certain blog readers into clients.

    Go Where The Clients Are

    It’s not complicated – everyone turns to Google for information. If someone was just in a car accident, they won’t have time to see your commercial on TV. They will probably search for “what to do after a car accident in NV” or “car accident lawyer near me.” It’s our job to get your website in front of those individuals in need.

    SEO for Lawyers

    Our SEO Strategy for Personal Injury Law Firms

    We help personal injury attorneys across the U.S. reach potential clients at the point where the client is warmest – i.e., researching representation. Our services include web design, SEO, paid media, content strategy, and more. We have vast experience building SEO strategies from scratch and working with lawyers that we inherit from other agencies, and it all boils down to a few core items:

    Personal Injury Lawyer Web Design

    We use our experience to build websites that are lightning fast and user-friendly, and as a result, they are more likely to be rewarded on Google. We monitor click-through-rate statistics, dwell time, and other metrics to measure user engagement, and we use GTMetrix and Google’s core web vitals reports to make sure the site is up to Google’s technical standards.

    We also know how potential clients interact with websites. Should you have a “call-now” button, or a “free consultation” button? Do web users really care about results pages? What about attorney biographies? These are all things we’ve learned over the years, so let’s chat about how we can design and build a high-converting personal injury website for you.

    On-Site SEO

    Title tags, eye-catching meta descriptions, search engine-optimized H1 tags, alt tags – we optimize every aspect of your website to make sure Google will rank you as high as possible. We also make sure you don’t have any broken links and pages, SSL errors, or any other technical issues on your site.

    Keyword Research

    We use Google’s data and our personal experience to make sure we are going after the highest-value search queries. We’ve found that personal injury search queries vary from region to region, and we’ll use a number of tools to make sure we are targeting the highest-volume or most relevant query – for instance, do potential clients in your area search for “lawyers” or “attorneys”? “Car accidents” or “car crashes”? These are things we’ll figure out for you.

    Earning High Value Backlinks

    We know how to find high-quality backlink opportunities for personal injury lawyers, and we use tools, common sense, and PR strategies to get your law firm mentioned online. We can help you pitch articles (that we are happy to write for you) to relevant publications, get listed in every legal directory under the sun, and find other opportunities to get backlinks from reputable websites that will help you rank higher.

    Local SEO for Personal Injury Firms

    We mentioned “near me” searches earlier, and you can earn a decent flow of leads by focusing on this aspect of SEO alone. We’ll optimize your site for local search, create instances of your name, address, and phone number (NAP) online, and help you rank higher in the map pack. We can also directly combat spammy listings in your area, thereby making room for you to rank higher.

    The importance of local SEO for personal injury attorneys cannot be overstated; even if you are a new firm, the fact that your rankings are partially determined by proximity will help you outrank more established law firms for “near me” searches.

    Competitor Analysis

    We can use tools to see what backlinks your competitors have, what gaps in your content strategy may be holding you back, and in short, why other firms are out-ranking you on Google. We then take that analysis and build a strategy to compete with them head-on.

    That said, we always focus on making positive gains for our clients rather than chasing other firms. Competitor research allows us to make informed decisions, but ultimately, we’ll create a unique and effective SEO roadmap for your firm.

    Negative SEO Cleanup

    Personal injury law is a competitive field, and as a result, some law firms play dirty online. Furthermore, lawyers can get wrapped up in controversial cases, and these will sometimes generate negative publicity.

    We can help you bury bad media mentions, mitigate the effects of bad reviews, and pick up the pieces after a malicious SEO attack. Let us know if you are facing these issues – we’d be happy to share our experience with you.

    Content Marketing for Personal Injury Attorneys

    Let Majux perform keyword research around personal injury questions that people are asking. Our in-house team of legal writers (many of whom have passed the bar exam) write in-depth, informative blogs and pages that will bring leads to your site, and we use data to target the highest-volume and highest-value phrases. Google won’t view your website as an authoritative source if you don’t have in-depth, well-researched content, and this content will help your firm rank higher for your money terms.

    Furthermore, we take a full-funnel approach to content. Your website needs to have articles and blogs that will help people in the research phase (folks who haven’t yet decided if they are going to sue or hire an attorney), but you also need to have dedicated content for end-of-funnel searches. We can help you attack both.

    We’ve worked with generalized injury firms, workers’ compensation attorneys, medical malpractice lawyers, car accident specialists, and everything in between. Each firm has a unique set of goals, capabilities, and expertise, and we can tailor our marketing strategy to generate leads that will help your firm grow. Whether you need a car accident campaign in Spanish, a Google Ads campaign to generate med mal leads, or a content strategy around property liability, let us know.

    Get Started With a Phone Call

    It’s free to get in touch, and we would love to learn more about your marketing needs. Whether you want to scale your firm or build one from scratch, call Majux for a free consultation today.

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